President Nora welcoming SCC members and friends
Fax: 416.926.9505Email: silayancommunity@yahoo.ca
New website: http://www.silayan.ca/
Blogsite: http://silayancommunitycentre.blogspot.com
Greetings from the SCC Board of Directors!
Dear members, volunteers and visitors to Silayan Community Centre Bulletin. We are currently undergoing improvements to the organization and as such this blog site will be used to reflect the on-going changes that will follow in the next months and upcoming new year.
We hope to provide the Filipino community with existing services and also endeavor to introduce new programs that are reflective of
We ask for your patience and resolve as we embark on a new chapter in Silayan’s evolution towards a new era of community-building, social support, cultural appreciation and volunteerism.
This is a forum for sharing and communicating ideas and relevant information. Please drop us a line with your questions, comments and suggestions at silayancommunitycentre@yahoo.ca. We will try and respond to your queries in a timely manner.
Most of our services are accomplished through referrals and partnerships with other social service agencies. A majority of our programs are entirely volunteer-run and from time-to-time with funding we are able to provide the community with exceptional and specialized programs.